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Jalyne Jones shot by neighbor Alejandro Morales; Go Fund Me Set up to support Jalyne's Recovery.


By Achoti Tamar

Jalyne Jones victim shot by neighbor in Lawrenceville GA.
Jalyne Jones victim shot by neighbor in Lawrenceville GA.

Lawrenceville, Georgia “The music suddenly went off. I heard the racking of a gun and a shot fired out immediately thereafter, striking my wife,” Eric Jones, husband of shooting victim Jalyne Jones said to WSB-TV. “She immediately yelled out saying, ‘Oh my God, babe. They shot me in my abdomen.”

On the evening of Sunday August 13, 2023 Jalyne Jones was shot by her neighbor Alejandro Morales after Jalyne and her husband knocked on Morales apartment to ask him to turn down his music after enduring the blaring music all day. Jalyne is in the hospital recovering from the gunshot wounds to the hand and abdomen. Jalyne was hospitalized and had to undergo multiple surgeries due to her injuries. Eric said the bullet struck her large intestine and is inside her body “a few centimeters from her spine.” He added that doctors had to “remove a portion of her colon,” the news station reported.

Morales, 51, was charged with reckless conduct after shooting through the door of his apartment striking Jalyne. The family of Jalyne expressed that the charges filed was not enough. Reckless conduct in Georgia is a misdemeanor offense, meaning it is punishable by up to 12 months in jail and a $1000 fine, though that punishment is rarely given, according to Justia an online United States Law platform.

The Jones do not feel safe. The Apartment complex did not give a statement, however Eric said the Apartment Manager offered the Jones's an opportunity to move into another unit or break their Lease. Eric Jones says his wife is trying to remain strong although she has a long way to go on a path to recovery.

Jalyne Jones is a medical billing and coding professional with plans to open her own business. Those plans are on hold and the focus is now on a healthy speedy recovery.

A Go Fund Me account, Fundraiser by Jazmyn Jones : Long Road to Recovery Support Jalyne Evans-Jones ( has been established by Jalyne's daughter Jazmyn Jones in an effort to help pay for Jalyne's medical bills.

Jalyne Jones Go Fund Me account set up
Jalyne Jones Go Fund Me account set up

Eric Jones has agreed to an interview with News-Facts-N-Comments - YouTube at 8PM tonight August 19, 2023. Please join us to learn more about the status of Jalyne's condition and the family's plans for the future.

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