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Right of Self-Determination the Avenue to Reparations: Prisoners of Ethnic War


San Antonio, TX (October 3, 2023) According to History, Christopher Columbus sailed to what is now known as the Caribbean in 1492. Columbus encountered humans occupying the lands and he labeled them Indios or Indians because he believed he and his fleet of Ships had arrived at the coast of East Asia, which was at that time known as The Indies. He noted that the humans in the Indies were similar to Tuareg people that inhabited North Western African; Moors of Morocco for example. He also noted that the inhabitants of the Americas were swarthy (dark-skinned). Many historians note the indigenous inhabitants of the Caribbean and Americas were situated in over 500 Tribes of varies names.

The colonization of the Americas and the Caribbean by Columbus at the bequest of King Ferdinand and the Catholic Church by edict was the beginning of the indigenous peoples loss of heritage/lineage and were subjugated to the European culture, religion and class structure. These Colonizers renamed the indigenous people as well as those that were taken from what is now known as Africa to be enslaved in the Americas and throughout Europe. Classification of people groups began for the political purpose of establishing power over the enslaved. This purpose can be defined as ethnic war. The ethnic war produced the victors, which were the colonists and the enslaved spoils of war. The result is called ethnocide.

Those victims of the war were labeled and given ethnic labels such as Ebo, Nigger, Negro, Colored, Afro-American, Black and now African American, Jamaican, Puerto Rican, Haitians, etc. The acceptance of these labels is proof perfect that these enslaved individuals were prisoners of an ethnic war also known as Prisoners of War.

Over the years the discussion of reparations has come and gone. This year Prisoners of the Ethnic War are coming together at a Convention to discuss reparations once again. Several Keynote Speakers are slighted to speak. Some are well known, others are not. Will this result in a formidable path to reparations for the Prisoners of War? Odds are against them based on history and the lack of proper framing of the reparation’s argument. It is true that the individuals seeking reparations are descendants of African and indigenous slaves, however, these descendants will be hard pressed to prove that there was a harm committed to them due to slavery, and thus, lack a legal standing to receive repair of an identifiable harm. This is not due to any fault of their own, but a calculated positioning created by those who were the victors of the war. Ethnocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction of the culture of an ethnic group.

Theses Prisoners of War have failed to identify with being Prisoners of War and properly framing the Legal Argument for reparations. A Declaration of War was issued in 1452 by the Pope in an Edict/Papal Bull. The United States passed the 13th Amendment declaring the abolishment of slavery and involuntary servitude after the American Civil War. Slaves were so called set free. However, they were never afforded an opportunity to determine how they were to be governed and who they were to be governed by. In fact, they were never declared to be Americans. That is evident by their lack of civil rights and ability to participate in the political process for centuries. It was only after the Civil Rights Act was adopted by the United States Congress in 1964 that Prisoners of War received partial civil rights.

Throughout history, Prisoners of War were not afforded civil rights, as they were deemed chattel (property belonging to the possessor). However, according to the Creator of all things and The United Nations, humans have the right to self-determination allowing people to freely determine their political status and pursue their economic, social, and cultural development.

The descendants of slaves (prisoners of war) must frame their legal argument in a way that speaks to the origin of the harm. A war was declared, and a victor decided and those that were injured because of the war must be compensated. Many heads of states presented apologies for the ethnic war but have failed to compensate those affected. The concept of compensation is not foreign to these heads of states as these states have given reparations to the Japanese Nation, and the Israeli Nation and others.

Reparations provided to prisoners of war will enable individuals to be restored to the positions they were prior to the ethnic war. That is why it is imperative that these prisoners cease labeling themselves as the following: 1. Afro Descendants also known as African Descendants of Slaves, as they were plenty of prisoners of war that were not in Africa when taken prisoner (enslaved) 2. Indigenous American, it is well documented that many prisoners of the ethnic war were taken prisoner from Portugal, Spain, Europe, and Africa. 3. Foundational Black American is a labeled that is flawed on its face. Black is a color and not a legal ethnic group and all prisoners of the ethnic war do not have foundations in the Americas.

The above flawed titles/labels have presented a quagmire that many for centuries fail to overcome. There are approximately over 29 million Prisoners of the Ethnic War over the age of 18 living in the United States of America today. Yet, they have failed to gather themselves together for a Plebiscite Vote to remove their consent to be governed by the victors of the war, declaring that they are in fact Prisoners of the Ethnic War of 1452 and are exercising the right to self-determine-their own governing body/Nation and file a lawsuit with The International Court of Human Rights, demanding that the prisoners of the war be compensated for their harm/injury committed on them. This lawsuit must name those responsible for the ethnic war starting with the Roman Catholic Church and her European allies, The United Arab Nation States and United States of America.

The proper standing for those seeking reparations before the International Court of Human Rights is Prisoners of War. Will the National Reparations Convention happening this weekend October 6 -7, 2023 establish this standing by starting a Plebiscite Vote removing consent to be governed by the United States and declare that they are exercising their Right of Self-Determination? Many are waiting the results of the gathering. Prisoners of War cannot afford another meeting with the outcome being and no real substantial solutions or plan of action at the end of the gathering.

Zephaniah 2:1 1 Gather yourselves together, yea, gather together, O nation not desired; (2) Before the decree bring forth, before the day pass as the chaff, before the fierce anger of Yah come upon you, before the day of Yah’s anger come upon you. (3) Seek ye the Creator, all ye meek of the earth, which have wrought His judgment; seek righteousness, seek meekness…

Achoti Tamar


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