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Tennessee Lawmakers Pass Controversial Bill tied to Conspiracy Theories.

Achoti Tamar

Chem-trail photo black and white
Chem-trail photo black and white

In Tennessee, both the House and Senate passed a bill that will ban spraying the skies through government programs such solar geoengineering, cloud brightening and seeding. Although other states have introduced or previewed similar bills, if the Governor of Tennessee signs the Bill, Tennessee will be the first state to pass such legislation. 


Many view this Bill as a distraction, while others deem it as a matter of health and safety. We will discuss the cons and the pros, if any, on (3) News-Facts-N-Comments - YouTube this Sunday, April 14, 2024, at 5PM (CST).  

News-Facts-N-Comments Sunday Rap Session: Exposing America’s Hidden Agenda: Chem trails v. Contrails (

NFNC Sunday Rap Session Michaela of Cali
NFNC Sunday Rap Session April 14, 2024

In this Week's episode of News-Facts-N-Comments Sunday Rap Session: Exposing America’s Hidden Agenda: Chem trails v. Contrails, special guest Michaela a Resident of California and longtime supporter of Majortv Let’s Talk, joins Achoti Tamar of News-Facts-N-Comments for a candid conversation surrounding the controversial debate on Chem trails v. Contrails and the passage of the Tennessee Law. Michaela will give a personal testimony and provide documentation of deliberate spraying of the skies in California, as well as share her recent health recovery story and the belief that the spraying is tied to her illness. 


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